Super Soldier Yoga Pose: A Challenge for Your Core

We Explain the benefits Super Soldier Yoga Pose

Quick Facts

Yoga Type: Power Yoga
Age Group: All Ages (with modifications for beginners)
Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Mental Benefit: Enhances focus, mental clarity, and resilience
Physical Benefit: Builds strength, endurance, and stability, particularly in the core, arms, and legs

Hey! My name is Elyce Elowen, and I’m a certified yogi who has been practicing and teaching yoga for the last few years.

Today, let’s work on one of the best yoga movements: Super Soldier Yoga Pose!

Do you want to get stronger and feel better about yourself? We can help you with the Super Soldier Pose! But a lot of people have trouble with their stance and feel weak or off-balance in their bodies.

No matter how much experience you have with yoga, this pose is a great way to improve your skills. Do you want to feel better and more sure of yourself? Now let’s get into how to do the Super Soldier Pose!

What is Super Soldier Yoga Pose?

The Super Soldier Pose, which is also called the Inverted Compass Pose, is a unique pose.

So, it doesn’t have a traditional Sanskrit name, though the name Viparita Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana is sometimes used. Like the compass pose, the hips need to be open and the hamstrings to be able to bend.

How to Prepare for Super Soldier Yoga Pose?

Follow these points to prepare your body for this pose:

  • Doing squats and lunges will help your legs get stronger.
  • Tree Pose or Warrior III can help you get more balanced.
  • While you hold the pose, focus on taking slow, deep breaths.
  • Keep your body straight, with your hips squared and your back straight.

Warm-up Exercises

  • Supta padangustasana (recline big toe)
  • Parivrtta janusirasana (revolved head knee),
  • Utthan pristhasana (lizard
  • Prasarita (wide leg forward fold)

How to Perform Super Soldier Yoga Pose

  1. Stand tall, bend your back forward, put your hands down on the ground.
  2. Lift your left leg slowly, backward and up, create a standing split.
  3. Slightly bend your left knee and try to grab your left foot with your right hand.
  4. When you hold your left foot, Open your hips to the left side.
  5. Maintain your balance and don’t panic.
  6. Hold the pose for 10-15 seconds.
  7. Slowly exit the pose by putting your leg down slowly.

“Here’s a video that explains this yoga pose in more detail.”

Body Parts Movement

Body Parts Movement Description
Hands Moving Arms are extended forward or backward, depending on variation.
Chest Static Chest remains open and facing forward.
Feet Static Feet are grounded and remain in place.
Shoulder Slightly Moved Shoulders may slightly lift or adjust to balance the body.
Face Static Facial muscles remain relaxed and neutral.

Benefits of Super Soldier Yoga Pose

Now, let’s explore the mental and physical benefits of the super soldier pose.

Mental Benefits:

  • Focussing on your body and breathing sharpens your thoughts and improves concentration.
  • This powerful stance boosts mental strength and confidence.
  • Poses that demand regulated breathing and balance help quiet the mind and reduce tension.
  • Through bodily alignment and breath, the pose promotes mental clarity and presence.

Physical Benefits:

  • Pose strengthens the abdominals and lower back by engaging core muscles.
  • Better posture and fewer back strain result from regular spine alignment.
  • Your balance and coordination improve as the position pushes you.
  • Arm stretching and sustaining the stance improves shoulder and leg flexibility.

Variations of Super Soldier Yoga Pose

Super Soldier with Leg Lift: From the Super Soldier Pose, lift one leg straight and parallel to the floor. It challenges your core and develops balance.

Super Soldier with a Twist: Try the Super Soldier Pose with a gentle twist to one side and a cross-body arm. It stretches your back and increases flexibility.

Super Soldiers with Arm Circles: In the usual position, make small, controlled arm circles. This variation engages shoulder muscles and boosts upper body strength and endurance.

Super Soldier with Raised Arms: Spread your arms overhead instead of straight out in front of you. It stretches your upper body and engages your shoulders and arms.

Super Soldier with Warrior Variation: Spread your arms overhead instead of straight out in front of you. It stretches your upper body and engages your shoulders and arms.

Tips for Beginners

Focus on deep breathing and moving slowly and carefully at first. Use your core to stay stable, and if you need to, use a wall or chair to help you stay balanced. 

Start with short holds and add more time over time. To keep from getting hurt, loosen up your shoulders and warm up before you practice. You’ll get stronger and more confident as you practice regularly.

Safety Precautions

To avoid getting hurt, don’t stretch your arms or legs too far.

Keeping your body in the right position will help your joints last longer.

Do not force the pose; if you need to, take a break.

If you feel any pain or soreness, stop right away and rest.

To stay stable, practice on a surface that won’t slip.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

In the Super Soldier Pose, some mistakes you should avoid are extending your arms or legs too far, not engaging your core, and lifting your shoulders towards your head.

Do not lock your knees because it can make it hard to keep your balance. If the pose hurts, don’t hold it for too long. Start with short periods of time and build up your power.


Yoga Pose: Super Soldier | Pocket Yoga. (n.d.).

Inlägg, V. F. (2021, November 29). Super Soldier Pose – Asana. Lukas Mattsson.

Yogapedia. (2023, December 21). Super Soldier pose. Yogapedia.

Disclaimer: The content provided on this site is intended for informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult a qualified healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program, particularly if you have pre-existing medical conditions or concerns. The website and its creators are not responsible for any injuries, damages, or adverse effects that may result from using the information provided. Use of this website constitutes acceptance of these terms.


Elyce Elowen is a certified yoga therapist and instructor (C-IAYT, 500-hour RYT) with nearly a decade of experience helping individuals achieve balance and well-being. She collaborates with medical experts to design programs for mental wellness, chronic pain, and stress management, and provides mindfulness training for communities and organizations. Beyond yoga, Elyce has a passion for creativity and personal growth. She’s a freelance writer, sharing insights on yoga, mindfulness, and self-improvement, and previously worked as an art instructor and community organizer, empowering others through education and self-expression. In her downtime, Elyce enjoys hiking, reading, and creating art, always inspired by her belief that true strength comes from presence and growth.

Andrea Cintulova is a passionate yoga teacher and has a deep love for movement and mindfulness. She came from a background in modern gymnastics and dance, and yoga was something she discovered in her university years and never stopped. Hatha was her starting point and then she moved on to Ashtanga, Acro, Bikram and Vinyasa, which were her favorites because they were fluid and creative. Andrea is a certified Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga teacher and has taught Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga classes in Europe, corporate yoga in Vienna, rooftop sessions and international workshops. She is still inspiring students to build strength, flexibility, and inner peace on and off the mat through VeryFit Life.

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